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Latest announcements from Google’s I/O 2016 will surely blow your mind


Google announced welcoming news on its latest I/O. To start with VR(Virtual Reality) , there have been 50 Million downloads of its virtual reality apps for the Cardboard platform from the Play Store. This is an important step for virtual reality on mobile, and more importantly, it shows developers that there is demand for this sort of thing. In its latest conference it has announced that it will delve deeper into the realm of virtual reality with a system called Daydream which will be available to users end of the year. Google will sell this virtual-reality headset with a wireless motion controller with the Nexus brand that the company original created as a showcase for its Android operating system for smartphones.

Google wants to change how people manage their daily lives. So it will introduce a personable form of artificial intelligence into an Internet-connected device called Home. Google touted its Home speaker as a more intelligent and versatile device, mostly because it can tap into the same stockpile of information that makes Google’s Internet search place so popular. Google also has redesigned its virtual assistant to be more conversational and intuitive. It will be the voice and brains inside Google Home. Home even integrates with third-party services, allowing you to do things like call an Uber car or book a restaurant reservation using OpenTable.

One of the biggest announcements that Google made was a feature called Instant Apps. It will have the ability to run on device without even installing them. Instant Apps is Google’s answer to the pain of installing phone apps you know you’ll use just once or twice, for shopping or booking a parking spot, for example. With this approach, the app runs on Google’s servers instead of your phone. Only the parts you need are sent to your phone on an as-needed basis.

Google search changed the world, literally. Now, Google Assistant is the natural extension of search, supporting “conversational understanding” to make search more natural and to better support voice searches. It has also announced a chat service called Allo. It will draw a vast database to predict how a user might want to respond to a text and automatically fetch links to video clips and other relevant information to an ongoing conversation. Duo will be Google’s companion app for Allo that adds in video calling.  For example, Knock Knock lets users see the incoming video call feed before even answering the call. This way, the receiving party can see whose calling and where they are before they even pick up the call.

Google’s next major mobile software release is Android N, and it’s going to be a huge update when it’s released later this year. Performance and graphics improvements are a big part of Android N. Most impressively perhaps, Android N will download and install system updates automatically. Moving on to the app switcher screen, Android will automatically remove apps from the UI when it determines the app is no longer needed. This way, the app switcher UI is decluttered and it’s easier to find the app you’re looking for. There’s also a new quick switch function accessed by double-tapping the recent button on a phone or tablet. Although the upcoming products will offer some unique features, they mostly painted a picture of a company scrambling to catch up with its rivals.